Personalized Shirt Cufflinks Shifted initials JC Silver 925
Handmade Silver Law Twins in Silver 925, JC Initial Design
Our handmade manufacturing process allows us to make unique pieces as a custom design, and as any type of lyric style in Initials to record in your next Law Silver Twins. You can choose any Letra format of a Word Document , for this you will add the QR Initiates/imagine you want in your next Twins in the "order message".
Example: Image QR, ...Initiles A+J, Initial AJ, Initial A J...etc
* Manufacturing time 7-10 days approx. "We usually finish them early, so if you're really in a hurry, contact us and we'll try our best to make them quickly".
✅ Shipping delivery with tracking. ( 10Eur.)
- Europe > Estimated delivery time: 7/14 days.
- Other countries > Estimated delivery time: 3/4 weeks .
- Spain/Portugal > Estimated delivery time: 24/48 hours.
(i) For other types or urgent shipping and delivery options like FedEx, DHL.., please contact us with your address to give you quotation.